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Produkte zum Begriff Acquisition:

  • Acquisition Essentials
    Acquisition Essentials

    The comprehensive and crystal-clear companion to making the right acquisition decisions and executing them well: Acquisition is the most powerful corporate development tool available to companies and will therefore always be on the business agenda. Very practical and easy to follow: diagrams, checklists and case studies throughout. The authors have an accessible style and approach The Audience: High level entrepreneurs, senior executives, directors, and business strategists. Updates include: new and updated case studies, analysis of different types of company and how this could affect the transaction, a guide to working with external advisors.

    Preis: 59.91 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Acquisition Essentials
    Acquisition Essentials

    The comprehensive and crystal-clear companion to making the right acquisition decisions and executing them well: Acquisition is the most powerful corporate development tool available to companies and will therefore always be on the business agenda. Very practical and easy to follow: diagrams, checklists and case studies throughout. The authors have an accessible style and approach The Audience: High level entrepreneurs, senior executives, directors, and business strategists. Updates include: new and updated case studies, analysis of different types of company and how this could affect the transaction, a guide to working with external advisors. 

    Preis: 59.91 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • CMMI for Acquisition: Guidelines for Improving the Acquisition of Products and Services
    CMMI for Acquisition: Guidelines for Improving the Acquisition of Products and Services

    CMMI® for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ) describes best practices for the successful acquisition of products and services. Providing a practical framework for improving acquisition processes, CMMI-ACQ addresses the growing trend in business and government for organizations to purchase or outsource required products and services as an alternative to in-house development or resource allocation. Changes in CMMI-ACQ Version 1.3 include improvements to high maturity process areas, improvements to the model architecture to simplify use of multiple models, and added guidance about using preferred suppliers.   CMMI® for Acquisition, Second Edition, is the definitive reference for CMMI-ACQ Version 1.3. In addition to the entire revised CMMI-ACQ model, the book includes updated tips, hints, cross-references, and other author notes to help you understand, apply, and quickly find information about the content of the acquisition process areas. The book now includes more than a dozen contributed essays to help guide the adoption and use of CMMI-ACQ in industry and government. Whether you are new to CMMI models or are already familiar with one or more of them, you will find this book an essential resource for managing your acquisition processes and improving your overall performance.   The book is divided into three parts.   Part One introduces CMMI-ACQ in the broad context of CMMI models, including essential concepts and useful background. It then describes and shows the relationships among all the components of the CMMI-ACQ process areas, and explains paths to the adoption and use of the model for process improvement and benchmarking. Several original essays share insights and real experiences with CMMI-ACQ in both industry and government environments.   Part Two first describes generic goals and generic practices, and then details the twenty-two CMMI-ACQ process areas, including specific goals, specific practices, and examples. These process areas are organized alphabetically and are tabbed by process area acronym to facilitate quick reference.   Part Three provides several useful resources, including sources of further information about CMMI and CMMI-ACQ, acronym definitions, a glossary of terms, and an index.

    Preis: 49.21 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • CMMI for Acquisition: Guidelines for Improving the Acquisition of Products and Services
    CMMI for Acquisition: Guidelines for Improving the Acquisition of Products and Services

    CMMI® for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ) describes best practices for the successful acquisition of products and services. Providing a practical framework for improving acquisition processes, CMMI-ACQ addresses the growing trend in business and government for organizations to purchase or outsource required products and services as an alternative to in-house development or resource allocation. Changes in CMMI-ACQ Version 1.3 include improvements to high maturity process areas, improvements to the model architecture to simplify use of multiple models, and added guidance about using preferred suppliers.   CMMI® for Acquisition, Second Edition, is the definitive reference for CMMI-ACQ Version 1.3. In addition to the entire revised CMMI-ACQ model, the book includes updated tips, hints, cross-references, and other author notes to help you understand, apply, and quickly find information about the content of the acquisition process areas. The book now includes more than a dozen contributed essays to help guide the adoption and use of CMMI-ACQ in industry and government. Whether you are new to CMMI models or are already familiar with one or more of them, you will find this book an essential resource for managing your acquisition processes and improving your overall performance.   The book is divided into three parts.   Part One introduces CMMI-ACQ in the broad context of CMMI models, including essential concepts and useful background. It then describes and shows the relationships among all the components of the CMMI-ACQ process areas, and explains paths to the adoption and use of the model for process improvement and benchmarking. Several original essays share insights and real experiences with CMMI-ACQ in both industry and government environments.   Part Two first describes generic goals and generic practices, and then details the twenty-two CMMI-ACQ process areas, including specific goals, specific practices, and examples. These process areas are organized alphabetically and are tabbed by process area acronym to facilitate quick reference.   Part Three provides several useful resources, including sources of further information about CMMI and CMMI-ACQ, acronym definitions, a glossary of terms, and an index.

    Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Pferderennen und Galopprennen?

    Pferderennen ist ein Oberbegriff, der alle Arten von Rennen mit Pferden umfasst. Galopprennen sind eine spezifische Art von Pferderennen, bei denen die Pferde im Galopp laufen. Es gibt auch andere Arten von Pferderennen wie Trabrennen, bei denen die Pferde im Trab laufen.

  • Was verdient ein Pferde Jockey?

    Ein Pferde-Jockey verdient in der Regel ein Gehalt, das von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängt, wie zum Beispiel Erfahrung, Erfolgsbilanz und Bekanntheit. Die Einkünfte können auch von den Renngewinnen abhängen, da Jockeys oft einen Prozentsatz der Preisgelder erhalten. Einige Top-Jockeys können sehr hohe Einkommen erzielen, vor allem wenn sie regelmäßig bei prestigeträchtigen Rennen gewinnen. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass die Einkommensspanne für Pferde-Jockeys sehr breit sein kann und nicht alle Jockeys ein hohes Gehalt verdienen. Letztendlich hängt es von der individuellen Leistung und dem Erfolg des Jockeys ab.

  • Wie schnell können Pferde auf einer Rennbahn laufen? Und welche Rassen sind besonders für Pferderennen geeignet?

    Pferde können auf einer Rennbahn bis zu 70 km/h laufen. Rassen wie Vollblüter, Araber und Quarter Horses sind besonders für Pferderennen geeignet aufgrund ihrer Schnelligkeit, Ausdauer und Wendigkeit.

  • Wer ist der erfolgreichste Jockey in der Geschichte von Galopprennen?

    Der erfolgreichste Jockey in der Geschichte von Galopprennen ist Sir Gordon Richards. Er gewann insgesamt 4.870 Rennen während seiner Karriere. Richards wird oft als einer der größten Jockeys aller Zeiten angesehen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Acquisition:

  • Chains of Acquisition Steam CD Key
    Chains of Acquisition Steam CD Key

    Chains of Acquisition ist ein rundenbasierter Mehrspieler-Wirtschaftssimulator, in dem Sie Ihr Firmenimperium strategisch verwalten, basierend auf realen Wirtschaftsprinzipien. Erweitern Sie Ihre Lieferkette, manipulieren Sie Aktien, beherrschen Sie Industrien, patentieren Sie Produkte und mehr, um die Konkurrenz zu dominieren. Merkmale Wirtschaft in der realen Welt Chains of Acquisition ist ein rundenbasierter Mehrspieler-Wirtschaftssimulator, in dem Sie Ihr Firmenimperium strategisch verwal...

    Preis: 14.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 EUR €
  • Chains of Acquisition Steam CD Key
    Chains of Acquisition Steam CD Key

    Chains of Acquisition is a multiplayer turn-based economy simulator where you strategically manage your corporate empire, grounded in real-world economic principles. Expand your supply chain, manipulate shares, master industries, patent products, and more to dominate the competition. Features Real-World Economics Chains of Acquisition is a multiplayer turn-based economy simulator where you strategically manage your corporate empire, grounded in real-world economic principles. Delve into a det...

    Preis: 14.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 EUR €
  • Technology Acquisition: Buying the Future of Your Business
    Technology Acquisition: Buying the Future of Your Business

    With proven, step-by-step solutions, this unique and practical book shows information technology (IT) project managers how to acquire the right technology from the right vendor at the right price for their business. There are numerous project management books on how to build technology, but the increase in project failure, limited resources, and accelerated change in systems and platforms has forced IT managers to move from building to buying technology, thereby shifting substantial risks to third parties. Allen Eskelin, drawing on his own experience managing acquisition projects, thoroughly explains each task required to buy technology successfully from outside vendors. Technology Acquisition covers all facets of technology acquisition management, including the "people dynamics" that can make or break a project. The book offers useful templates, example documents, checklists, and schedules that guide you through the entire procedure, as well as case studies to illustrate the processes described. These processes include: Initiation--creating and chartering a project to address your business needs Planning--organizing teams; defining and prioritizing requirements; identifying vendors Research--gathering information on vendors and their technologies Evaluation--interpreting the results of research; selecting a vendor Negotiation--defining a negotiating strategy; planning the negotiation; negotiating successfully Implementation--developing, testing, and deploying vendor solutions Operations--managing an ongoing process to extend the life of the product provides a forum for sharing experiences in project management. It also updates and supplements information on topics covered by the book.

    Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • P-40/1S12 Long Track S-band acquisition radar
    P-40/1S12 Long Track S-band acquisition radar

    Trumpeter / 09569 / 1:35

    Preis: 92.75 € | Versand*: 5.95 €
  • Was ist die durchschnittliche Länge einer Rennbahn für Pferderennen?

    Die durchschnittliche Länge einer Rennbahn für Pferderennen beträgt etwa 1,6 Kilometer. Die genaue Länge kann jedoch je nach Rennbahn variieren. Die längste Rennbahn der Welt befindet sich in England und misst über 5 Kilometer.

  • Wie schnell sind Pferde beim Pferderennen?

    Wie schnell Pferde beim Pferderennen sind, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Die Geschwindigkeit eines Rennpferdes kann bis zu 70 km/h erreichen, was beeindruckend ist. Die genaue Geschwindigkeit variiert jedoch je nach Rasse, Trainingszustand des Pferdes und der Rennstrecke. Ein gut trainiertes Rennpferd kann auf einer geraden Strecke eine erstaunliche Geschwindigkeit erreichen. Es ist faszinierend zu beobachten, wie diese majestätischen Tiere mit solcher Kraft und Eleganz über die Rennbahn galoppieren.

  • Sind Pferderennen gut für die Pferde?

    Es gibt geteilte Meinungen darüber, ob Pferderennen gut für die Pferde sind. Einige argumentieren, dass die Rennen den Pferden eine Möglichkeit bieten, ihre natürlichen Fähigkeiten zu zeigen und dass sie gut gepflegt und trainiert werden. Andere sind besorgt über das Verletzungsrisiko und den Druck, dem die Pferde ausgesetzt sind. Letztendlich hängt es von der individuellen Situation und dem Umgang mit den Pferden ab.

  • Welche Eigenschaften macht eine Rennbahn zu einem idealen Ort für Pferderennen?

    Eine Rennbahn sollte eine ebene und gut gepflegte Oberfläche haben, um optimale Bedingungen für die Pferde zu gewährleisten. Zuschauer sollten gute Sicht auf das Rennen haben und es sollte genügend Platz für die Pferde und Jockeys vorhanden sein. Außerdem ist es wichtig, dass die Rennbahn sicher ist und über ausreichende Einrichtungen wie Tribünen, Parkplätze und Stallungen verfügt.

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